
About Me

I've always been that kid that never quite fit in.

This is not a bad thing.

In Fact,

I Love It.

It makes me who I am, it means I'm quirky and interesting. Sometimes to a fault.


A bit more about me:

You guys can call me Nishi. Everyone does. It's short and Asian, and that pretty much describes me. 
One time I did "Synchronized Splashing" (an Olympic event that we thought up ourselves) with my little sister in the shallow end of a hotel pool. We were recognized at the breakfast buffet for our talents.

I got into Theatre because my mom enrolled my sister and I into a Summer Musical Theatre program. My sis got a "solo" where she got to hold a plate and walk along the front of the stage. My parents were so proud. From that day on, I swore to get a solo too. And so began my chosen career path. 
(I may or may not be way too competitive)
In High School I was a band geek.

It was awesome.

After High School I went to The American Musical and Dramatic Academy where students were not allowed to use the elevator. At least twice a week I trucked it up six flights of stairs.
(Although, when faculty wasn't around, most of us took the elevator anyway)
I lived in and near Hollywood for most of my life, and I've only been to Universal Studios once. 

I've been to Disneyland more times than I can count.

I just graduated from The University of California Santa Cruz where oftentimes I would not do my homework until I had cleaned the entire apartment from top to bottom. 
(I'm actually really messy, so it was needed)

Sometimes I would forget that I had homework at all...

But since I was a theatre major, most of the time it was okay.
 Now, you'd think that a recently graduated theatre major would find a field of opportunities just waiting for them, what with the state of the economy and the plethora of job openings in the theatre business.
(Sarcasm there. Hard to convey on the internet)

Let me level with you.

I'm unemployed.
So I'm taking all the free time that I have and converting it to my second love. Crafting.

I love crafting. I love making something new where there wasn't anything before. I love turning something old and worn into something beautiful and wearable. I love finding things on the internet and saving them on Pintrest on my DIY board AND THEN MAKING THEM!!!!

I'm getting carried away.

I'm sure you can relate.

The moral of the story is that, yes, I'm quirky and weird. Sometimes I stay up til 4am wanting to finish a project because I just. can't. put. it. down.

Then I want to show it off.

Enter: this blog

My goal for this blog is to first post pictures of my newest creations, and when I get used to regularly posting and taking pictures (I'm the worst at remembering to use my camera during a project), I'll start to add some DIY posts with instructions.

I'd love to chat some more, but I'm hungry (like always) and I'm gonna go get some food.

Browse, Enjoy, Comment and Contact me if the urge takes you!

E-mail: withlovebynishi@yahoo.com
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